Monday, June 14, 2010

Shear Illusions

Well I am very excited to announce that I have found a home for my job. :) I will be joining the gals at Shear Illusions next month.

I will be arrainging some specials to run to get you guys in the door when I start. I am up for any suggestions on advertising too.

As always feel free to email me:

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Dangers of Methyl Methacrylate

What is Methyl Methacrylate? Methyl Methacrylate, (or MMA) is a liquid monomer banned for use in the nail industry by the Food and Drug Administration. MMA was used largely in the early 70's as an inexpensive substitute for conventional acrylic liquid. It was banned due to the severe poisonous reactions it caused in customers and nail techs.

Why should I be concerned? The use of MMA is on the rise in many "discount" nail salons to cut down on costs. (MMA is approximately $180 cheaper per gallon than acrylic liquid.) This is one of the reasons why these types of salons can charge such low prices.

What are some of the signs I should be aware of? Nail salons using MMA will be very secretive about the brand names of the products they are using. Nail techs will wear masks to avoid the poisonous chemicals MMA gives out. Nails sculptured with MMA have a harder surface than regular acrylic nails and are very difficult and painful to remove. (Sometimes taking up to 2 hours.) Nail techs will use drills instead of files because the surface of the nail is so hard. There is also a distinctive odor to MMA, which is different from regular acrylic.

What are some of the symptoms? Some of the symptoms caused by the use of MMA include, (1) tingling or numbness of the fingers, (2) whitening of the fingers (3} Deformity of the fingernails, (4) Severe allergic reaction, or even contact dermatitis.

What can I do to prevent exposure? Recognizing the warning signs is the best way to prevent exposure. Always make sure your nail tech has his/her license visibly posted. Check to see if your nail tech is using products with name brand labels. Don't be afraid to ask your nail tech questions about their products and procedures. A properly trained nail tech will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Where can I get more information? You can contact the Food and Drug Administration at (800) 270-8865, or look up the FDA web page at

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fine hair, I've got you covered.

Fine hair

A lot of women have fine or thinning hair, but they want to use products for other hair types. I myself have thin hair, but a lot of it. So I consider myself an expert in the fine hair department.

Using the right products

The first thing is first. You need a good shampoo and a light weight conditioner. I love Matrix Amplify shampoo and conditioner. It's so light that it doesn't weigh your hair down, and actually lifts it at the roots. Making your hair easier to style, while adding fullness.

Also in the Matrix Amplify line is a wonderful root lifter. This is another light weight product that isn't going to weigh your hair down. Like it's name implies if lifts your hair at the roots. It's absolutely worth the money.

Finishing your style can be tricky. If you use the wrong type of finishing product your hair is going to lay flat. My absolute must have is Kenra Volume Spray.
Kenra's Super Hold Finishing Spray 25 will hold your hair through a windstorm, and not weigh it down. I recommend this product to all of my clients. Fine hair or not.

Hair cuts can go one of two ways with fine hair, the wrong way or the right way. Most of my clients with thin hair also have very long hair. This can make your hair appear even thinner then it really it. I like to keep thin hair at shoulder length or shorter. It creates the illusion that you've got more hair, and it's more manageable. Layers are great too. I almost always recommend layers to make styling easier. You can go straight, curly, or even flip your ends out.